Licenced Repairers
We are licensed under Baseefa to repair flameproof group I & II, as well as standard Industrial Fans and ‘Booster’ Fans
The Process
Fans and ‘Booster’ Fans are sent to us with varying amounts of repair work necessary to bring them back to the original standard.
All Fans undergoing repair are stripped down, cleaned, then thoroughly checked and inspected. It is at this stage that our engineers determine whether or not a new part is to be procured or re conditioned.
Along with the Fan Casing and associate parts, any part being re conditioned will go into the shot blasting machine, or the glass bead blaster.
New and re conditioned components are re-assembled and painted as required. All bearings, seals and grease nipples are replaced with new, and all trolex monitoring equipment is replaced with new. Finally, the motors are electrically tested, then shrink wrapped ready for dispatch.
We are licensed under Baseefa to repair flameproof group I & II, as well as standard Industrial Fans and ‘Booster’ Fans. Our engineers are always committed to producing the highest standard of work.